Friday, May 11, 2012

Future Spouses...

My son does not have a girlfriend and is not at a point in his life that he is ready for one...

but I just pray daily that he finds someone that is understanding, supportive and strong enough to handle this life he has chosen.

Reading some military wives/moms blogs I have met some amazing women and I pray that he is lucky enough to find one of these women!

As much as I miss my son, I am excited for him to get settled in his new life and to allow god to place a great lady in his life that will support him and allow him to love her.   This army life is harder than I ever imagined on families.  I guess I never had reason before to look into it much, but now I have met some amazing women and wow, the sacrafice that the women go through also is a tremendous undertaking!

Im excited for Zach, excited for the life he has, and am ready to support him (and her and my grandchildren) when he finds the right woman...  just praying he finds one of the awesome ones like I have "met" on here!  :)


  1. One thing about MilSpouses is most of us met our husbands before they even joined the Military. I have a few friends who met their husbands in Basic Training or got stationed at the same place, or they could be like me and run into them at the new place they are stationed. Everyone always has a super cool story! I dont know how old your son is, but hopefully he'll end up with a great partner! They come in handy :)
    Also as far as followers. I had sent a few women here to give you advice on a few things. It can take a while to get to alot of followers. Keep your head high and keep blogging.
