Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day

As bad as this sounds, I never really thought about the meaning of Memorial Day until now.   Now that I have a soldier of my own, it really jumped out at me at the sacrifice that the soldiers and their families have made.

I am watching the pictures that the drill sargeants put up and I am so filled with pride for what the boys are learning and how they are progressing.   I am honored at how my son is now a part of the elite men that made the choice to defend our country and our rights and freedoms!


  1. I don't think most people really give much thought to the meaning behind Memorial Day. I mean, I know a LOT of people who support the troops, but they still treat Memorial Day like it's the spring version of Veteran's Day, you know? It probably wouldn't hit home for me quite so hard if I wasn't personally connected to three Gold Star families, all of whom lost soldiers my age or younger. We're still enjoying the long weekend, but I agree, actually being part of the military community puts so many things in a new light.

    I'm glad they're posting pictures for you! That was my favorite thing when SoldierMan was in basic. I found that they also tended to post more pictures of the soldiers whose families liked and commented more often than others. They probably didn't do that intentionally, but just a suggestion :)
