Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So of course after the phone call last night, I did not get any sleep.

Did I do the right thing?   Can he do this?

I kept the smile in my voice, I supported him, but did I do the right thing?  Ive never heard that tone before in his voice, I have never heard him that heartbroken...

I am trying to keep the faith that things will get better and that this is normal, but I cant get this pain that I am feeling for him to ease up....

1 comment:

  1. This is TOTALLY normal. In fact, this won't be the last time you feel this way. That's okay. There will be plenty of other times where you will see your son and be awestruck at how exactly perfect this life choice was for him. At least, that's how it is for me with my soldier. Some days I wonder what on earth we were thinking, doing this Army thing. Most days, I can't believe we never saw this coming, it's such a perfect fit for him. These first few weeks are some of the hardest. I got plenty of tearful phone calls, too. I'm sure it's harder as a mother, but he will get through this and be a better man for it, and he'll remember how instrumental you were in that growth.
