Wednesday, May 30, 2012


WOW, my baby really is growing up...

Well, he is finally getting mail from me, I am so happy, he was thinking we were ignoring him.

In his letters back now he has told me that he loves me and that he is also in love with his girlfriend.  I love this girl, she and her family are very good people and she has been in his life off and on for years.   I could not be happier.  He asked for information on rings and such.

I could not be happier, but I also told him he needs to slow it up some.   He and her just got back together two weeks before he left for boot camp.  I printed off information on promise rings and how people do them and what they mean.  I would be honored to have this young lady a part of our family.

I cannot believe that my young man has grown up to the point he loves the Army life, loves what he is doing and now is feeling that he wants to set up his life and future family!  She came over last night and it was so hard not to spill the beans.  :)


  1. thats so cute! I know my daughter is very young but I totally agree with you. Its so easy for them to get lonley and want to jump right into things so fast. I see alot of divorce in the army and its not easy on anyone including the soldier and their unit. I do hope that this girl is really good to him! Being married to a soldier is hard work and its not always that romantic. But it definitly is worth it, I wouldnt have it any other way.
    I hope he is still kicken butt at basic! I also hope your doing better with him being gone.

    1. Im doing alot better, if he would write putting me into these tremendous ups and downs I would be doing so much better....

  2. That is too sweet! And sounds like you gave him the perfect advice. You must be a mom or something ;)

    1. Lol, ya just once or twice... oh ya, 5 times maybe... lol

  3. I'm so glad that he's getting your mail! I'm sure it will make a huge difference. When my husband went to basic (we were already married and had our son...what a difference that makes), he was surrounded by young guys and a lot of them started to really think about what they wanted-what's most important in their lives. They really grew up. I know a couple of them came back and got engaged. Same thing happened with my husband's deployment. I agree, the idea of being married to a soldier is generally much more romantic than the reality but that seems true of marriage in general. I'm happy for him that he found someone he loves and I'm happy for you that it's someone you like. The timing will work itself out as needed.

    1. its such an up and down, I jsut love this girl and I do hope it works out... I just hope she and he know what they are getting into... Im sure if its meant to be it will be :)
