Tuesday, May 8, 2012


When sending letters to your soldiers...  Do you only tell them the good things?   Do you let them know EVERYTHING or just the positive stuff.   I am stuck with wanting to keep him informed, but also not wanting to upset him on things...  Like is sending him 10 happy things and one sad ok?

I know, weird question...

Remember, most of you are military pros, and I am very very new to this...
As always thank  you!


  1. Hi hun! I hope me recruiting a few wives on your last post helped you!
    Usually it depends on the guy. My husband (when he was deployed) wanted to know everything. I was pregnant last deployment and he wanted to be involved at home as much as possible.
    You being his mom know your son and know what he can handle. If you think telling him something is important for him to know right now then tell him.

  2. I have been kind of journaling my day everyday, just carry my notbook with me from time I get up till I go to bed and fill it with things, and a few newspaper clippings, ect. Kinda worried about filling him in on this like some kids that he knows were in car accident ect... Been kinda fun writing everything. Im actually surprising myself in how much I am telling him. I hope he doesnt think Im nuts lol

  3. My husband wanted to know everything. He did not want me to sugar coat or leave things out. I did, however, wait to tell him some things. Our son was hospitalized with pneumonia. It was not life threatening, so I waited until he was discharged before I shared it with my hubby.

    My advice: make the good outweigh the bad, but be honest. At one point my husband told me he was having a hard time because I was not even missing him. I had done such a great job of staying upbeat that he thought I was doing great and not missing him at all! After that I allowed myself to cry when talking to him and let him see it was hard for me and I was missing him. That actually helped him!

  4. Oh and I am not very active on my blog, but here it is: http://armymomma.wordpress.com/ My hubby was in Basic Nov. 2010-Feb. 2011. Feel free to go back and read some of my posts from that time!
