Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Proudest Day!

One of the Proudest moments of my life.  My son swearing into the Army!  He changed instantly before my eyes!  

My last Hug before he left for bootcamp!

Saying goodbye to their big bro!

Oh ya, she is missing her brother!!!!

And hes off!  Saying goodbye to my little boy and they will return him a man!   


  1. Hi there! I know it must be so hard to let him go but I know you must be proud of him :) Looking forward to following your blog.

  2. Oh when my husband joined for the first time he was 19 and I am sure his mom went through all the same emotions that you are going through right now. I didn't know him then, we met later when he was 25 and he had gotten out of the Army for a few years.
